Fact vs good-enough... Science vs pseudo-science.

Fact vs good-enough... Science vs pseudo-science. TLDR: I came across a thread that discuss 16-bit vs 24-bit in digital music . Some people said 16-bit is good enough and 24-bit is useless. Some said 24-bit is marketing hype for promoting Hi-Res music and its play-back equipments. Is it true that 24-bit is useless? Math is the queen of all science . What does Math tell us? Let's see what the math tell us about 16-bit vs 24-bit: In digital music (PCM-format), the music is quantized at different sampling time. CD uses 16-bit and Hi-Res use 24-bit (or higher). For 16-bit quantization, it divides the full dynamic range into 2^16 levels, i.e. 65,536 levels. For 24-bit quantization, it divides the same full dynamic range into 2^26 levels, i.e. 16,777,216 levels. It is 256 times more than the 16-bit quantization. It is a hard-core fact that 24-bit is inherently better than 16-bit. I my mind, it is very simple. It is like 1.000 is different than 1.001 Math won't lie; on...