One of red flags of Pseudo Science: Double Standards

One of red flags of Pseudo Science: Double Standards


Double Standards is not a single indicator to show Pseudo Science but it should help you to put a red flag in your Pseudo Science alert.

Is peer-reviewed research important in Audio Science? Have a look of a reply from a "peacekeeper": 

Yes, I agreed peer-reviewed results formed the building stones for modern science. We trust peer-reviewed research more than anything else (for objective scientific analysis). 

(BTW, a forum called itself as "Audio Science Review" does not mean they are indeed talking about science. The forum is indeed known as "cult community" to be exact. Naming is another art of Pseudo Science.)

However, the very same "peacekeeper" applied a different standard when he is challenged about not using peer-reviewed system:

"A lower level of significance/confidence than a professional or scientific (peer reviewed) result"? What he is talking about? lower level?

If you really knew what is statistics, or to be exact, hypothesis testing, you would know that for questionable hypothesis (i.e. questionable claim), its testing result is just having "a lower level of significance/confidence than a professional or scientific (peer reviewed) result"...

Here the same peacekeeper applies the famous "same but not absolute" principle (i.e. approximation) to rigorous science subject.

In his mind, he can just "cherry pick" rigious peer-reviewed results or "lower level of significance results" depends on his "use case" (i.e. applying double standards). He can only win in any case. By using his double standards, questionable claim would be treated like rigorous scientific claim.

Is this his blind spot? Based on my interaction with this particular peacekeeper, it looks to me that he truly believes what he is doing is right. When can he wake up? Hmm... not sure. 

IMO, he is knowledgeable but he has a serious issue about double standards and logical reasoning. If he can wake up, he would definitely be the asset of the authethic Audio Science community (i.e. not the cult community he is in right now)

He is a typical peacekeeper in these "audio science forums". 

ASR is the nest and seedbed of these peacekeepers (aka pseudo scientists) 

I am happy to see smart people (who has very good critical thinking) are still around in Head-Fi.


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