Why start this blog??

Why start this blog?

 Sorry, I won't trust those pseudo scientist!

I am interested in Hi Fi. I love to listening to good music. I always want to improve my system (with limited budget) to reproduce better music. 

Hi-resolution (Hi-Res) music has been around for many years but I didnt pay much attention to it. I do have a few SACDs and that is. I mainly play CD quality (44.1 kHz / 16 bit) source with my system.

One day, I came across this site: Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum It is a very interesting site. It has a lot of measurments of various audio equipments. Perfect, looks like they can help me to find a budget way to make my HiFi system better.

It did help me. I just bought a budget class-D amplifer recently based on their measurements. It sounds so great. 

I started to browse more and more on that site to see what else I can improve with limited budget. It looks to me that DAC and Hi-Res music sources are the two areas I can explore more.

Then, I started to see interesting claims on that site. For example,

"All the DACs sound the same if they are measured as audibly transparent"
"Hi-Res is useless. It sounds the same as CD. Hi-Res is just a scam"


    I do hear different sound from different DACs even they are "measured as audibly transparent" and
    I do experience much better music with HiRes...

Is there something wrong with my listening? Yes! Of couse... according to ASR, it is because 

"As it is measured as audibly transparent, it sounds the same. 
If you hear any difference, it is either your brain is fooling you or a poorly designed reconstruction filter in the DAC causing it."

Hang-on, this claim sounds so familiar. Isn't it one of the unfalsible claim (one of the charateristics of Pseudoscience). 

Yes, it is pseudo-science. ASR is full of participants labelled as "major contributors", "donors", "sponsor",  "industrial insider" etc who are giving out these pseudo-science claims.

Don't get me wrong. ASR is a great site as I said earlier. It provides a lot of objective measurements for us. Meanwhile, there are also a lot of pseduo-science based interpretations (i.e. claims) based on these factual objective measurements.

My intention is simple. Debunk these pseudo-science claims and do my best to stop these mis-leading information or "common sense" from distributing to the general public with my best effort.

It took me a lot of effort, time, and energy to do it. Some of my freinds told me I should just leave them alone. Well... probably, but the inner me told me it is the right thing to do. Let's see how long I can keep doing it before I give up. 😂 (In fact, I am also learning a lot when I am doing it)



A blog to help people (with focus on audiophiles) to debunk pseudo science claims like "Hi-Res is useless" that they may see on the internet, especially from discussion forums which claimed to be "objective and scientific", like ASR. 

My target is to help people to see and hear clearly what is factual and what is Snake Oil. I hope they can use their own independent thinking and logical reasoning to debunk these pseudo science claims themselves finally.
Yeah, let's act together to debunk!



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