One of the major characteristics of Pseudo Science: Contradiction.

One of the major characteristics of Pseudo Science: Contradiction.

I just had an interesting discussion with someone in the Head-Fi sound science forum. As usual, they came up with contradictions and stopped me right the way as they knew that I would dig out more contradictions from them during the discussion.

Example 1:

Is square wave an illegal input signal for digital audio?

Someone said no, it is not illegal:

Someone said yes, it is illegal:

Interestingly, they agreed that all these quotes are ok (i.e. compatible with each other) as shown below:


 1. All square waves are band-limited 
 2. square waves, another signal with infinite bandwidth

I believe that any sense people would know that item 1 and item 2 are contradicting with each other.  

Example 2:
 We were talking about band-limited square wave, i.e. 

To be exact, the above was generated by the following:

One of the senior member in the sound forum stated the following (in my quoted message below):

He attempted to explain further with the following:

This is the other contradiction.

According to Monty's own version of the "sampling theory"(which pretty much all the senior members of the Sounds Science forum, including the moderator, truly believe that in a religious way), they agree that "[band-limited] analog signal can be reconstructed loselessly, smoothly, and with exact timing of the original analog signal [from CD-quality digital source]".

Meanwhile the statement shown in the above picture indicating the senior member of the forum also believe that certain band-limited analog signals are not included, like band-limited square wave....😲

As I am not sure if that's what he meant, I did ask explicitly as below:

Other senior member attempted to explain with weird explanation

Does he mean "band-limited square wave" is not a "band-limited analog signal" as mentioned in the Monty's claim above? Is band-limited square wave a unicorn? 

Man... I am so confused about what they are talking about...  

I see contradiction here: 


1. "[band-limited] analog signal can be reconstructed loselessly, smoothly, and with exact timing of the original analog signal [from CD-quality digital source]" <== Monty's claim
2. Digital Audio system cannot reproduce band-limited square wave

Item 1 and item 2 are contradicting with each other. They attempted to talk me out from believeing band-limited square wave signal is included in the "band-limited analog signal" but failed. LOL... I am a sense person. Not a typical senior member in the so-called audio science / sound science forum who truly believes in many pseudo science claims in a religious way.

But, hang on, isn't it consistent? Yes, it is consistent... it is consistent to be inconsistent. 

It is not confusing anymore now. Contradiction is the norm in these so-called audio / sound science forums. Whenever you ask the right question, they would reply with contradiction. If they fail to convince you, you will be banned (as usual) as they cannot face the facts that other people bring to them.

Remember, contradiction is one of they key characteristics of pseudo science. 

Whenever you sense contradiction in a discussion, be careful. Some pseudo scienctists may be around and they may create pseudo science claim so that they can look good (or take some advantages from  you). Be careful! 


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