Official complaint letter regarding the abnormal behaviours of Sound Science Forum moderator on

Official complaint about the abnormal behaviours done by Sound Science Forum Moderator on

I sent the following complaint letter to the (via "contact us") just now (27 May 2024 10:54 am EST). 

Not sure if they care to reply but it looks like that they did something last time after I sent them my other complaint letter.

What happened this time? The moderator just deleted my thread I created today (27 May 2024) regarding the topics of  Is square wave used in electronic music? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -

Looks to me that the moderator just want to ban me for the sake of banning me.  Anyway, here is my official letter sent to them.


Dear management team,

 I am writing to lodge my second complaint / express my concern about the experience I had in the "Sound Science" forum on I sent my first letter on 11 May 2024 regarding the irrational actions done by the moderator on another thread.

It was downright ridiculous again (but I have no surprise given it is Sound Science Forum)

The visit this time illustrated a very serious issue in the forum 

What happened?

When I replied a thread discussing the new upsampler designed by Rob Watts, I was attacked by other "senior members" as usual. They use the same tone and technique to attack me.

As I mentioned last time, my EQ is good enough to ignore their attacks. I was focusing on the constructive discussion.

All of a sudden, the moderator just warned  me openly and accused me with something imaginary, e.g. "pretend discussions and consistent dishonesty for no clear purpose"

I have no clue what he was talking about. 

The moderator always come to me with a bullying attitude for no reason. Well, may be with some imaginary reasons in his mind that no one knows. 

With my background in Psychology, it looks to me that something (or some illusion) in his mind (or hidden mind) is bothering him so much that he sees things in a very special way and no one would understand.

Framing me in order to ban me

One example to show his abnormal behaviour is that he attempted to create an illusion that I was talking about ideal (aka imaginary) square wave (which include infinite series of harmonics) when I post measurements from a output of a real DAC. 

Anyone who is a sense person (especially someone who should know sound science pretty well as he is the moderator of Sound Science forum) would know that something that can be measured is not "imaginary" 

Why he framed me into this imaginary square wave trap with his illusion?  

I think the Sound Science moderator should be knowledgeable enough (no?) to tell I was talking about non-ideal (i.e. non-imaginary) square waves in my discussion as those were real measurements from the real output of a DAC.

Why he still consider these non-deal sqare waves as the imaginary ones?  I can only think of one reason: he just want to find a way to ban me.

I already warned him that he can ban me for whatever reasons in his mind and I will file an offical complaint. I meant what I said. So, I am writing this letter to make you aware of what happened.

Given his accusation is baseless and I had already warned him, I kept on discussing.

In the end, he decided to ban me as he noticed that I was still actively participating the discussion.

Delete my other thread without any reason

In adding to framing me into his "imaginary" sqaure wave trap, he also claimed that I hi-jacked other's thread for my own use. I am not sure if he really meant it.

Given I would like to have another constructive discussion about the possibility of using sqaure wave in electronic music, I created another thread to talk about square waves in electronic music.

Now it is pretty clear that hi-jacking was just an excuse for the moderator to ban me. My newly created thread on the topic "Is square wave used in electronic music" was deleted after a few members participate constructively in discussing it. One of the other member indeed complained why the newly created thread was deleted all of a sudden.

What's the issue with my newly created thread regarding sqaure wave usage in electronic music?  

Violation of moderation rule

I am wondering if there is any check and balance of the moderator's work. Is it really a fact that as a moderator, he can do whatever he likes based on his personal feelings / illusions? 

It looks to me that the moderator know he is not doing the right thing as he is afriad of providing any reason for post deletion. He did the deletion of my other thread last time without any reason. Now, just in about two weeks, he deleted my thread without any reason again. 

I noticed the following rules for the moderation on Head-Fi under Terms and Rules

  1. Head-Fi reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete posts. In most cases, the individual who made the deleted post will be notified via e-mail and/or chat and/or private messaging and/or telephone with a reason for the deletion.

Does moderator (or moderator of Sound Science Forum) has any priviledge to by pass the moderation rules? In that case, why created the rules at the beginning if no one is going to follow it.

The moderator also demonstrated unfair treatment to different people. For the people who has the same believes as his, he would protect them and have closed eyes on their bullying and personal attacks. For any person the moderator doesn't like (for whatever reason), he would just frame him and ban him finally. 

Demand the resurrection of the deleted thread 

Is my newly created thread regarding square wave usage really irritating to the moderator (due to his own personal reasons again) to a point that he has to delete it completely so that no other people can see it? What he wants to hide from it this time?   

Did the thread reveal some of his wrong doing so that he wants to get rid of the thread so that he would look good?

Some forum members already spent time and effort to contribute actively in order to share knowledge in Sound Science related to the topic of the thread.

It would be pretty bad the thread is completely removed just because the Moderator feel unease with the deleted thread for whatever personal reasons he has.

I hope you can review the deleted thread and see if you can bring the thread back to live so that people can continue to discuss actively about the topic and all the people can benefit from it.

Demand the review of the qualification of the Sound Science moderator

I am not sure about your view regarding the abnormal behaviours done by the moderator in this incident.

Do you still see him as a good fit for the moderator role? 

Would you perform a throughout investigation of his recent irrational and abnormal behaviours on people who newly joined the Sound Science forum (esepcially for the new joiners who do not confrom with the moderator's own believes)?  

I urge your web site management to review the situation. I hope a prompt action should be taken to rectify the situation.  

p.s.: Here is the link to the deleted thread:


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