Galileo, Control of Free Speech, and pseudo science in 2024
Galileo, Control of Free Speech, and pseudo science in 2024
Free speech is an universal right but there are still many places such right is a rarity even in 2024. One of such places is known as "audio science forums".
Do we still remember the story of Galileo? I just saw the following article: Four centuries after Galileo was silenced, UK students are still curbing free speech (
In the above article, it mentioned "no platform". Galileo faced the "no platform" issue; some students also faced the same issue.
No platform?
Whenever you attempt to speak a truth that is incompatible with the believes of the "audio science community" (aka cult community), you will be bullied and attacked first, then put on control of free speech, and finally be silenced/vanished completely. (I already blogged a lot of my experiences for the last two months. Feel free to check it out as I don't bother to list them one by one here)
It is almost a well-defined path for anyone who does not conform with their cult believes on any related platform
ASR: done (I was banned)
Roon: done (I was banned for a month)
Head-Fi: almost done (I was put under control of free speech)
Yes, Galileo needed a platform he didn't have it.
Luckily, I still have my blog to act as my platform.
Control of Free Speech and Pseudo Science
As I mentioned before, whenever someone who has the authority put you on control of free speech or made you silenced / vanished, it is an indication that you did the rigth thing. You probably just hit the nail on the head, especially when you were attempting to debunk pseudo science claims / behaviours.
Don't give up. It just take time and effort to fight for the truth. Let's see how long I can keep on fighting until I use up all my energy.
Even for a simple reply needs "approval". Are we really living in 2024? I can imagine how Galileo suffered at his time. LOL
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