Let Richard Feynman helps you to understand what's Hi-Res music

 Richard Feynman: "Let me tell you something..."

Do you know who is Richard Feynman

I bet most people know him as a Nobel Prize winner in Physics.

Do you know he is also a great educator too? There is something known as The Feynman Learning Technique

Basically, what he means is that:

Step 1: Pretend to teach it to a child

The truth is, if you can’t clearly and simply define the words and terms you are using, you don’t really know what you’re talking about.

Writing helps you think because it gives you nowhere to hide

Step 2: Identify gaps in your explanation

Identifying gaps in your knowledge—where you forget something important, aren’t able to explain it, or simply have trouble thinking of how variables interact—is a critical part of the learning process.

Step 3. Organize and simplify

Organize them into a narrative that you can tell from beginning to end.

Step 4: Transmit (optional)

If you really want to be sure of your understanding, run it past someone. (my add: With on-line discussion, we can do this easily now)

You may ask: "Hey, you just trick me. How the great scientist help me to understand what's Hi-Res music?"

Well... He did teach us how to learn what's Hi-Res with his Leanring Technique. To me, it is indeed a great technique for me to learn anything. I am applying it pretty much to all my learning.

With the above Learning Technique from Richard Feynman, he can help you to understand clearly what you are talking about when you discuss with someone, say, related to the topic of  "Hi-Res music is useless".


If you really need to ask people to read a lot of books, and literatures in order to help you to explain your viewpoint, it indicates, based on the Feynman Learning Technique, you probably don't really know what you are talking about. Agree?


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