Is 1.001 same as 1.000 to you? Do they sound the same? Let's find out who you are...

Is 1.001 same as 1.000 to you? Do they sound the same? Let's find out who you are...

There are tons of aguments about 'you should hear the same' and 'I do hear difference' on Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum between many comparable subjects.

For example,

1. Between "audibly transparent" DACs,

2. Between "Hi-Res music" and CD source,


This blog is NOT going to argue if there are some DACs sounds better even if they are "audibly transparent". Let's leave it next time.

This time, I would like to focus on the keyword here "SAME".

What do you mean by the "same"???

I believe that it is extremely simple (like 1+1=2), e.g. 

1.000 is same as 1.000 (I think there is no disgreement on this)

To me, it is pretty clear to me that there is no question asked too that 1.001 is not the same as 1.000 

Do you share the same view? I thought all the people would share the same view but.... to be honest,  I am not sure now after joining a few discussions on ASR...

Here is a tough question:

Question 1: "Do you see 1.00000000000001 same as 1.00000000000000???"

Are there something can be considered as "the same but different"? Hmm... how often we hear people say A and B are the same but different in Blah... Blah.....

You may say, "Man, I am totally confused. Are you mentally blocked?"

I hope I am not as I believe that's exactly how Science can help.

Science is a rigorous subject. There is no "the same but different" in real Science. I bet only pseudo-science would allow it.

If your answer is "they are different" for Question 1,  you have a scientific mindset that based on proven scientific agrument.  Your claim is an valid objective, scientific claim.

If your answer is "they are the same" for Question 1,  you have, I believe, an engineering mindset based on practical usage. Your claim is not objective as your claim is based on your own belief that "1.00000000000001 is same as 1.00000000000000" 

I understand in "reality",  you may consider they are the same but, please, and please DON"T say objectively they are the same. Please don't. It is simply 100% wrong. (Do we have to define the term objectively next time?)

Do all the people have to conform to the group thinking view that these two numbers are the same?

Sorry, my scientific mindset won't allow me to conform such view no matter what/how you do. They are NOT the same. Period.

Similarly in the audio space, if your speakers are reproducing objectively different audio signal for different "audibly trasnparent" DACs, how can you be so sure that they have to sound the same to your ears? 

Why they sound different if they are the same?
It is because they are indeed not the same objectively!

If you have to say they are the same, then I would reply with a "pseduo-science" reply as:

Yes, they sound the same but different!

p.s.: I hope people can "reconfig" to enable their "thinking" again if it is somehow not allowed for whatever reason in the past.


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